Thursday, 8 August 2013

Mine and Polly's Ukulele hootenanny...

This is probably one of the most random things I've done in my life and it was fitting that it was suggested by one of my best buddies from uni Polly.
Her text read 'Hey do you want to go to a ukulele hootennany on at a rooftop bar on monday night?!'.


Polly moved to London from her hometown in Devon and she always finds the most interesting places to go like a cool mexican bar that was in the film 'One day', or a Hootenanny and next week we are off to an outdoor cinema...

Of course I agreed and we arranged to meet at London Bridge go get some food then off to the bar.
The pub/bar was called Queen of Hoxton and was such a cool place in fact if I'm honest I definitely wasn't cool enough to be in there especially with my ukulele sticking out the top of my bag!!

They do silent raves, have guest DJ's and my favourite part a ping pong table... see definitely not cool enough to be in there!!

Anyway back to the Hootenanny it was a free event anyone can turn up you don't even need a uke you can just borrow one, which is what polly did and to my dismay she basically picked it up and could already play better then me who is about 4 months in and still struggling with Camptown race tracks! There is a book that everyone follows and there are hundreds of songs to choose from both up to date ones and old classics, Of course we weren't very good but would definitely recommend going along for a good laugh!!

Drinks were pretty pricey but it is London so that is to be expected think a pint was about £4.50 and cocktails were £7 odd.

Sorry I didn't take any pics but will leave a link to the Queen of Hoxton website where you can check out their gallery...

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